How to treat back pain without medication

by Priscilla Benfield

Back pain can keep you from enjoying your life. There are ways to effectively treat back pain without using pain medication.

One thing to look at is your bed. Many people sleep on old mattresses that don't support their bodies. If your mattress is old it might be time to purchase a new one. Do you wake up in the morning with back pain? Your mattress could be part of your problem. Purchasing a new mattress can make a huge difference in managing your back pain. Many mattress stores have special machines that are designed to help you determine what kind of mattress would be best suited for your needs. Not only will you wake feeling better rested but you will not wake up with back pain.

What kind of shoes do you wear? The wrong shoes can add stress to your back causing you pain. Even if you are not on your feet a lot during the day wearing some shoes can actually hurt you. Experiment with different shoes to find what gives you the most comfort. The best shoe has support and a moderate sized heel.

Pay attention to the way you do household chores. Avoid positions that strain your back. When lifting don't lean over, bend at the knees instead. Adjust the way you stand to take pressure off your back. Little changes in the way you do things can make a big difference.

At work use support pillows on your office chair. Take regular breaks and get your blood flowing. Sitting in one position for too long can strain your back.

Take a look in a full length mirror at your posture. Posture is key in how your back feels. Supportive undergarments can help improve your posture which can make your whole body feel better. It will also make you look better. Wearing a back brace can also help support your muscles and make you feel better.

Try alternative therapies to help manage your back pain. Massage therapy is very beneficial in relaxing your tight muscles. Many insurance companies now cover massage therapy. Check your health insurance company's website for more information and also to get referrals from certified providers. Acupuncture is another alternative therapy that can be very effective for easing back pain.

Another way to ease back pain is through exercise. Walking and swimming are good forms of exercise that are safe to do. Check with your doctor before starting an exercise plan. Try taking a beginners yoga class. Yoga is another form of exercise that can be beneficial.

Sometimes icing the affected part of your back can bring relief. For some people a heating pad works best. Experiment and see what feels better for you.

Back pain doesn't have to be treated with pain medication only. Try some of these other ways to ease back pain and you will find relief.